Popular Writing

The Pandemic Response and the Myth of the Caring Society, Collateral Global, December 27 2021

The Real Climate Change Challenge, POLITICO, December 22 2021

What Anthropocene means for social sciences, humanities, University World News, October 26 2021

Anthropocene skills need to be at the centre of curricula, University World News, January 30 2021

Why we need to politicise education for sustainable development, The Education and Development Forum, November 6 2017

Prečo by Slovensko malo platiť chudobným krajinám za následky klimatickej zmeny? [Why should Slovakia pay low-income countries for the consequences of climate change?], Denník N, November 22 2022

Aké sú nebezpečenstvá technoutopizmu [What are the dangers of technoutopianism?], Denník N, September 21 2022

Čo je antropocén a prečo na ňom záleží [What is the Anthropocene and why does it matter?], Denník N, May 10 2022

O Ukrajine a skutočnej cene fosílnych palív [On Ukraine and the real cost of fossil fuels], Denník N, April 8 2022

Skutočne zelená ekonomika si vyžaduje nerast [A truly green economy demands degrowth], Denník N, March 18 2022

Rýchle a pomalé násilie, Ukrajina a nádej [Fast and slow violence, Ukraine and hope], Denník N, March 2 2022

V čom environmentálna kríza spája liberálov a konzervatívcov [How conservatives and liberals can find common ground in facing the environmental crisis], Denník N, January 31 2022

Aká by mala byť úloha vzdelávania v čase environmentálnej krízy [What should be the role of education at a time of environmental crisis], Denník N, December 31 2021

Nežná revolúcia proti environmentálnej kríze [Velvet revolution against the environmental crisis], Denník N, November 16 2021

Environmentálna kríza je krízou kultúry a politiky, nielen vedy a techniky [The environmental crisis is a crisis of culture and politics, not just science and technology], Denník N, October 20 2021

In Czech

Sametová revoluce proti environmentální krizi [Velvet revolution against the environmental crisis], Denik N, November 16 2021

Archival newspaper articles

Film Reviews