Imagine: A World That Won’t Destroy Itself

A new popular book that will help you rediscover your inner radical

Imagine is a transformative manifesto that addresses how our society should respond to the global environmental crisis and a guide to (re)discovering our inner radicals. In Imagine, Sutoris argues that radical imagination is key to creating a world that won’t destroy itself, and considers the ways our societies hamper our imagination. From education systems that use ‘critical thinking’ as double-speak for ‘problem-solving for infinite growth’ to our culture’s fixation on wealth accumulation, he explores the many ways our civilization puts blinkers on our imagination—and what we can do about it. In Imagine, we meet some of history’s great activists—Cold War communist dissidents, fighters against apartheid—who stepped outside their societies in order to imagine a different future. We also meet those who carry the torch of radical imagination today—indigenous protesters from Standing Rock, the disruptors of Extinction Rebellion, the South African activists fighting environmental racism. We ask them how they have kept their radical imaginations alive. What tips do they have for us as the generation bearing the fate of humanity on its shoulders?